November 13th, 2020Hosting Your Websites

As a journalist I need to explore sections of the internet world and find out what works and what doesn’t. Such investigations bring up new information that many aren’t familiar with; on this occasion I interviewed one of my business associates who had some good news…

Over one year there is a saving of $840 on your website hosting costs.
Look for business solution with real-time data collection.

Richard Martin is an experienced businessman and is attempting to focus on bringing some of his ‘offline businesses’ onto the internet. The cost in doing so has restricted his progress, but in conversation, he told me of new technology that many are missing out on…

… He said, “First and foremost I am guilty… I know doubt have followed the same path as many are doing now. I have gradually grown from one website to over 10. Without knowing too much about the internet I foolishly hosted every new website either on a different hosting provider or with another account on the current provider and paid separately for each account.

So perhaps if I was paying $8 per month x 10 = $80, I paid this for some 18 months as I thought it was a necessary procedure. Until I understood how hosting providers work.

I worked with one hosting provider from my early days in 2001 and would have suggested them to everyone as I thought they were excellent. Good customer service, pretty much reliable and my websites were seen on the internet. No qualms, no problems and no hesitations.

Everything was hunky dory and I accepted the $80 per month for all my sites. Then when I read more I found that you can now find hosting providers that allow multiple websites in one account. Today most multiple providers suggest 10 websites for one monthly fee. Yet even better news is that because of competition some hosting providers allow unlimited websites. Initially their costing was that little bit higher, but even that has come down to compete with the mainstream providers.

So… Now I’m smiling all the way to the bank as my $80 per month has been reduced to just $7.95, for ALL of my websites. Isn’t competition a beautiful thing… All my websites are hosted with a reliable hosting provider.

If you are using links between your sites then using one hosting provider may affect their linking strength, but when you’re saving money that out weighs this benefit.

Beyond all the money saving possibilities this particular hosting provider claims to be totally ‘green’ and works of the power of the sun and wind. Not only am I getting a good deal, am I also being green…”

Apart from saving you loads of money these providers also offer Free Domains, Free Software, Massive Web space, Emails, Blogs & More.

May I say Richard was rather enthusiastic about this conversation as his budget would remain at $80 for servicing his websites, but the remaining $72 would be spent on traffic improvements. I could see he was pleased.

So Richard which is the Hosting Provider you are referring to? Richard said, “Go to this link:

Video dubbing is accurately read out based on the timeline of the subtitle file (.srt or .vvt) and generates an audio preview. Once you're satisfied with the preview, you can craft a new video with one click -- a process that's all done in Video Dubbing, and you don't need a third-party video tool.

I hope this information is helpful.

About the Author

Mr. P. Booker Senior Internet Advisor and Journalist This week’s topic relates to this website: Web Hosting

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Do you look for "do my programming assignment" help, you need to place an order on platform telling – I need someone to do my coding homework.

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Like most people, you probably take lots of photos. What do you do with them? Here’s where you don’t want to be like most people. Most people stash their photos away on their hard drive, or if they shoot film, they stash them away in a shoebox, rarely if ever to be seen again. Make up your mind you’re not going out like that. Photos were meant to be shared!

The first step in sharing your photos is to find an online gallery. Make sure they offer online photo printing, as printing will be a vital part of your plan. Look for an online photo gallery that offers unlimited free storage. Free unlimited storage is very important because photo files tend to be fairly large. If you shoot a lot of pictures, that limit that seemed astronomical will encroach on you rather quickly.

Once you have found an online gallery that offers both printing and unlimited free storage, upload your photos. If they are digital photos, this will be simple—just go to their website and follow the instructions. If you are still shooting film, or if they are old photos, then you will need to scan the photos. Good quality flatbed scanners are very affordable these days if you are inclined to scan your photos yourself. If you’d prefer not to, you have the option of sending them out to a service bureau to have them scanned. This often results in a higher quality scan, as the service bureaus generally have better equipment than the $20 scanner that is available in the office supply store—a lot better equipment. Not only hat but service bureaus tend to be skilled at scanning, so your photos won’t turn blurry or develop a color cast from being scanned.

Once the photos are uploaded online, the next step is to print the ones you want to share. You could buy an inkjet printer and print them at home, but generally inkjet printers cannot equal the quality of the photo printers that most of the better online photo galleries have for online photo printing. Not only are the printers typically better, but they also tend to use high-quality, Kodak photo paper, just like the kind of paper used for printing enlargements from film negatives optically. Their professional grade photo printers will give you excellent quality and vibrant, clear, accurate color. Most services offer a variety of sizes to suit your printing needs as well.

You may want to edit the photos to enhance them. Most of the better online gallery services offer online editing tools so that you can enhance your photos. Most of these offer typical editing tools that are essential for photography such as cropping, color correction, sharpening and more. Next stop: sharing your photos with your friends. From there, you can order prints in a variety of sizes, in either glossy or matte, with an easy online form. If you’re in a hurry, many online galleries offer express shipping and have them sent to everyone on your photo distribution list.

We recommend to try game art services from game art outsourcing studio that creates concept art, 2D character art, casual games art, 3D environment design, and 3D assets for mobile game developers. They can help you save time and money. Learn more about how you can outsource game art development with it.

About the Author

MJ Johnston writes for a variety of websites, including Hoorray, a photo sharing site that offers the quickest and easiest way to build a digital photo album, as well as free online photo storage.

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The Benefits of Professional Web Hosting

Here is where I will explain to you the benefits of professional web hosting. The web hosting marketplace is extremely competitive where web hosting providers fight for survival, but ultimately in the long run, only the real web hosting professionals survive. This is a fact. And here are eight benefits of professional web hosting:

Benefit #1: A professional web host is usually 100% dedicated *Only* to web hosting. That is their sole business interest and the professionals will be focused strictly on this service. This ensures that the service will be high quality when a company can solely focus on supplying web hosting.

Benefit #2: Professionals always keep up with the latest in the web hosting industry. The web hosting technology is rapidly changing almost everyday. And If your web hosting provider supports you with the latest technology, you have an edge over your competitors by incorporating the best features.

Benefit #3: Professionals will never oversell disk space or bandwidth. Most of the web hosting plans have gone unlimited, so its a moot point. Unlimited Web Hosting is the way of the future. Web Hosting professionals cannot be interested in the short term gains. They have to focus long-term. Web Hosting Professionals offer reliable and quality service and pride themselves on great customer service.

Benefit #4: When it comes to technical support no one can beat a true professional with a technology background. Most web hosting companies provide you with 24/7 support and usually include phone and email. In addition, most web hosts provide an online knowledgebase, forum, faqs, etc….

Benefit #5: Professional hosts have web hosting plans tailored to suit everyone’s requirements. They understand the needs of their clients better than the average person. They keeping coming up with fresh new plans and features and also focus on an aggressive price point with many promotions during the calendar year. The more choice made available to you, the better. Some web hosts even go to the extent of providing customised plans for the individual.

Benefit #6: Usually a professional web host will have been in the hosting world for some time with many years of experience. And this could prove vital and useful if you need expert help in resolving technical issues. Experience always comes in hand during a crisis.

Benefit #7: Reasonable pricing. A price which balances properly with the features and facilities offered is a key benefit while dealing with professionals. In a competitive marketplace with several web hosting providers competing for your business, you will get great value for your money. If you end up paying a high cost for relatively low quality service, well then there are many services out there that will cater to your web hosting needs.

Benefit #8: Associating with a professional also gives you a professional image even if you are a newcomer to this business. Run your website as a business because you are judged by the company you keep and your professional image. It also inspires you to maintain similar attitude towards your customers.

So keep the above benefits in mind, and remember if you benefit, your business or website will run more efficiently.

About the Author

Russell Blanc manages an online resource and web hosting portal at

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Nearly everyone has heard of rumors pertaining to taking online surveys for cash at one time or another. While some rumors are true, others are just plain stupid and you need to avoid these like the plague.

When you want to take online surveys for cash, there are bound to be rumors and objections that you will come up against when deciding on this type of structure for making money online. There are many different examples coming up that you have already heard and even some that you may not have. Either way, most of the rumors pertaining to this type of cash enterprise need to be addressed to separate fact from fiction in this case of myth versus truth. Here we go with the 4 rumors NOT to be believed.

Rumor Number 1: You Can’t Make Money Doing This Type Of Thing!

One of the easiest ways to make certain that you will not take online surveys for cash is to listen to this vicious rumor and opinion. There is no truth to this particular rumor, as it has been proved beyond doubt that you can indeed make money with this type of process. It just takes time, that is all. Time and a bit of patience that some of us sometimes don’t have in our “I want it now” world.

Rumor Number 2: These Companies Are All Rip Off Artists!

Another nasty rumor about taking online surveys for cash is that all companies that offer this service rip off people, especially their panelists. While there are those that are of ill repute, the majority of these companies are legitimate. Here is a way that you can check for this. Most companies have a link to or are members of the Better Business Bureau. You will be able to get information from them about their reliability. Those that don’t have that, you better watch out for those!

Rumor Number 3: They Don’t Pay You Enough Per Survey

Looking at some online surveys for cash, I could see where that little rumor would rear its ugly head. The payout sometimes is a bit small, but they do compensate you for your time spent. Another version of this rumor is that all they give you are crappy gifts, not money. In some cases, that could be true to certain people’s viewpoint. However, some people are happy with gift cards that allow you to purchase things from online stores. That is where that nasty little bug came from. Sounds like a case of sour grapes to me. But I digress.

Rumor Number 4: These Are A Waste Of Time.

Online surveys for cash will sometimes be misconstrued as a time waster. Don’t let that get to you. Most people who say that are jealous, but can’t see the forest for the trees and may be uncertain as to how to make money doing these little gems. Sometimes these people really don’t understand how you can make money doing this, so take that with a grain of salt. They don’t understand this or this process.

About the Author

Having heard all the rumors and scuttlebutt about taking Online Survey For Cash, why don’t you check out this web page for more information about these things by going to

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Data entry work from home is the most hyped work at home job since answering telephones. Is it really worth all the hype that is placed upon it?

Whether you want to work from home or you are starting a business from home, most of the jobs that are hyped all over the internet are data entry work from home programs. While that is not bad in and of itself, sometimes it leaves you wondering. Is this worth all the hype and hoopla? Can it live up to its advertising and marketing promises? Or is it all smoke, mirrors and fantasy?

It is money well spent

One of the pitfalls of wanting a data entry work from home position is that sometimes you don’t know whether or not to believe the hype associated with the position. Is it what it is advertised to be? What sort of money are they promising? If it is an astronomical amount, then you have been scammed and gulled. What will be the pay periods that are associated with this type of job and who would your supervisor be in case of emergency. How do they pay you for your time? By what method of payment do they pay you?

You Are Typing Ads, Not Data Entry

When data entry work from home programs arrives, you find out that you are typing advertisements, not traditional data entry. This is one example of hype not meeting the reality nor the promises that you were made when hired. While typing ads is considered “data entry”, it is not the thing that you expect and leads to a lot of frustration at false advertising. So in this case, it is just hype, not reality. Remember, while searching for these types of jobs, run away from it when it indicated form filling. That is just shorthand to type ads for search portals and engines.

Why Are They Asking For Money Up Front For A Supposed Free Job?

With data entry work from home jobs, they sometimes take a little knowledge of how the system works in order to understand some motivations. By charging you a fee to work, they are merely ripping you off. Never pay for a job or for materials. This is one sign that you may be heading into rip off territory. If they charge you to work an at home job, it isn’t worth it. That is one of the problems with the hyped up ads for these positions. Most of the time they are not clear in what is expected nor why a fee is charged. Examine all the fine print carefully. Ask yourself why they need money up front.

You have questions, but can’t get any answers from anyone

Data entry work from home can be a very fulfilling experience. That is until there is a problem with work. Most legitimate work at home jobs will have people to help you whenever you need it. It is just the oddball who doesn’t have someone available to answer your questions. This makes some people very suspicious, especially with working in the data entry field.

About the Author

Why not take advantage of the just plain sensible advice about Data Entry Work from Home by leaping to the following website for more information :

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Technological advances have not only changed the way we shop, communicate with others, and do our banking. The development of ecards has changed the way we send greeting cards.

Ecards are a relatively new phenomenon in the Internet world, having come on the scene in 1995. This development changed the way in which we shop for greeting cards and how we send them to friends and family. They are accessible to anyone who uses the Internet and as long as the recipient has an email address you can send a card to any person you wish.

The first such cards were limited to nature and wildlife photos, and ecards for Valentine’s Day were the first ones that really offered online greetings for a special occasion. While there are sites where you can get these greeting cards without having to pay for them, but most sites do charge a user or a subscription fee. These are the sites where you get the widest selection of ecards to choose from.

For those who have no idea about ecards, these are digital greeting cards. You don’t need to purchase an actual card and send it in the mail. You simply search for a card online and attach it to a message or just send the ecard where the message says everything you want it to say. Now if you forget a friend’s birthday or anniversary or any occasion, you can send birthday ecards ( or an anniversary ecard on that day and no one will even know that you only remembered at the last minute. It takes only a few minutes to have everything in place, which means you don’t have to pop out during your lunch break to search for the perfect card.

Ecards are environmentally friendly, which is one of the reasons they are gaining in popularity. There is no paper involved and the carbon footprint of ecard businesses is significantly less than that of traditional greeting card businesses. There is no paper used in the final product at all. Since they are digital, you can choose an ecard to send to only one recipient or you can have many recipients that receive the same email message containing the ecard.

To choose a greeting card of this nature, you simply choose a site that has a wide selection of ecards ( to choose from. Once you make your choice of graphics for the cover of the card, then you can personalize the message to send to the recipient. Depending on the site you use, you can also further personalize the ecard with a photo or a video. Then you specify the email address to which you want to send the card and the website takes over sending the digital card to the person for you.

You don’t have to purchase any software in order to send ecards, nor do you need to have any special attachments for your computer. The site from which you choose the card does all the work for you. You just have to follow the instructions to create exactly what you want. If you make a mistake, you can clear the screen and start over.

One thing you do have to be wary about when sending ecards and that is the privacy of your email address and that of the person to whom you are sending the card. The site you choose is privy to two email addresses each time you send an ecard and this could open both of you up to spammers. If you don’t want to start receiving all kinds of spam mail because you send an ecard, read the privacy statement of the site before you start sending digital content.

About the Author

Sarah Martin is a freelance marketing writer based out of San Diego, CA. She specializes in entertainment, leisure, and internet marketing. For birthday ecards and all other types of ecards, please visit

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Since the inception of ecard technology in 1995, there has been tremendous growth in the number of birthday ecards being sent via the Internet.

The greeting card business has undergone drastic changes with the explosion of birthday ecards. Millions of these cards are sent through emails every month. Perhaps the one main factor in the explosion of this business is the ease with which you can send and receive a birthday greeting. You don’t have to limit yourself to simply sending an ordinary email message to say “Happy Birthday”. You can choose animated graphics, music and sound to accompany your birthday greeting and personalize both the card and the message to match the recipient.

There are numerous online sites offering a staggering range of birthday ecards and even Valentines ecards ( to choose from. The only requirements are that you have an Internet connection and an email address and that the person to whom you wish to send the birthday greeting has an email address.

Once you find the provider and the ecard you want, the provider will take charge of sending the card for you. Once the recipient receives the email containing the card, there is a link for that person to use to open the card. The provider will also include a link to the site so that person can get started sending ecards to friends and family for birthdays and other occasions.

You don’t have to worry that your birthday ecard will arrive after the date has passed. The ecards are delivered instantly and there are some sites on which you can select the delivery date, which means you can search for the perfect card in advance and make sure it will be delivered on the date of the birthday.

Most of the free sites for these cards only allow you to add a personalized message on top of the page containing the graphics or within the graphics themselves. If you want the recipient to hear a personalized message being read, it is very likely you will have to pay for using this type of service. However, the cost is minimal compared to the convenience of not having to shop for a card and send it by regular mail.

Birthday ecards ( are available in foreign languages as well. If you have a friend living in another country where the official language is not English, or if the person’s native language is not English, you will really make this person’s day by sending a birthday card in his/her mother tongue.

You can also choose birthday ecards that have a special significance related to a country of origin, such as one that contains the symbols of that country. This shows the recipient that even though you are sending the card through email you did take the time to search for the perfect birthday card.

Choose character traits that match the personality of the recipient of the birthday ecard you want to send. These cards often do not have a personalized message, but the graphics of the character displayed on the ecard says more than you could ever express in words.

You don`t have to pop out to buy a card on your lunch break or make sure you get to the post office in time for it to arrive on the day of the birthday. You can search at any time of the day or night from your own computer and find exactly what you want when you use birthday ecards. The disadvantage is that the recipient will not be able to save the ecard to his/her computer to show your thoughtfulness to others.

About the Author

Sarah Martin is a freelance marketing writer based out of San Diego, CA. She specializes in entertainment, leisure, and internet marketing. For a great variety of Valentines ecards and birthday ecards, please visit

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Windows hosting makes use of Microsoft’s Windows software for the web hosting server for your websites and give you environment to run ASP ASP dot net sort of web application with power of windows server environment. Microsoft Windows and Linux are the two most widely used web hosting platforms all over the world. In comparison to Linux hosting, Windows hosting allows a better user friendly interface with Microsoft’s own products and services. Windows hosting supports all the popular windows web services used in web development, allowing an individual to make a website or web application in the language of one’s preference.

Sometime new webmasters get confused that which one web hosting to choose from the variety of two choices available in market such as Windows Hosting & Linux Hosting for such users I highly recommend Windows Hosting to choose reason being is this that web hosting providers today in market most of they are offering PHP and MySQL sort of Linux server features in their web hosting plans of Windows 2003 and Windows /2008/ server. As they install PHP and MySQL as a add-on on their server thus in this manner you get a few most important features of Linux servers also within your same package of windows hosting without paying extra for Linux web hosting package.

Using Windows Hosting is more users friendly and carries more benefits that are the reason why it is so widely used these days. Each operating system has its own unique features, and this brings their own advantages and disadvantages. Linux platforms do not offer support for the dot NET technologies, which includes ASP dot net. If you have already built a website using Microsoft dot NET technologies then you may know the benefits of using this service, UNIX is an open source which means that the operating system does not include any charges. If you are planning to design a website with Microsoft FrontPage or a web application using Active Server Pages (ASP) or any of the Microsoft application then Windows hosting is the solution that you should go for.

It is said that Windows hosting are often slower than UNIX hosting in performance but it proves a very cost effective choice from using hardware efficiently whereas Linux hosting is incredibly efficient and gives you some of the cheap hosting options available but does not support applications like ASP or ASP dot Net applications which use windows platform to run.

These web hosts can also be used as data center space and inter connectivity service for the Internet as web hosting is done in a safe and secure manner with a number of anti spam filtering your data is always in secure hands or rather you can say on secure servers. Customers get a quick account setup and they can easily administer there hosting account with the control panel provided by the hosting provider which is a traditional way of the control panel. Sometime those websites which are hosted on shared server experience some problems than from those websites which are placed on a dedicated web server as the result of higher volumes of traffic cannot be controlled or managed by these types of servers.

About the Author

Anand is a web developer for Web Hosting India & Web Hosting in India visit:

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Viral marketing is definitely a powerful Internet phenomenon. However, it can be harnessed to help you make money with AdSense in at least three unique ways.

Most people who have more than a passing knowledge of Web 2.0 technology understand the magic of viral marketing very well. What they may not know, however, is how to harness that immense power in order to make money with AdSense. Here are some suggestions.

Use Your Email

One of the cleverest uses of viral marketing has always been the Hotmail example. Users of the free email service had messages asking recipients to sign up for accounts at hotmail. As a result, their sign-up message would be spread to millions and millions of people all around the world. The result was an increase in registered hotmail users and indisputable proof that viral marketing could be a powerful too.

If you want to make money with AdSense, you can do something similar. Create some type of site that requires registration and use this for your AdSense ads. For example, you might have people register to receive something for free, such as a newsletter subscription or a free ebook. Mention the site in the signature of every one of your emails. When people go to register, they will be on the same page as your AdSense ads. That’s one way to make money with AdSense.

Use YouTube

YouTube has become one of the biggest phenomena to hit the Internet ever. It’s also a great tool for viral marketing because those great videos can be spread and shared with millions of people quickly and easily. Plus, most people don’t consider receiving a YouTube link to be spam (since they are normally sent by people who know them) so it’s more likely to be viewed than other types of links.

To make money with AdSense this way, create a fun and creative video that is going to capture the attention of your audience but which may also be relevant to whatever your site is about. Put the spot on YouTube and incorporate your URL into the clip with a message such as “To see more” or “For more information on this clip.”

Use Your Friends

Social networking has also really taken off in recent years. If you want to make money with AdSense, you can use this trend to your benefit as well. Most social networking sites have a way of compiling your friends. While some of these people may be legitimate acquaintances, the rest probably are not.

Put together some type of email message that would be appealing to a large number of the friends. Maybe the email could direct them to a fun site full of quizzes or movie trivia. Then you have that material on your website along with your AdSense ads. As a result, your site gets more traffic and many of those visitors will be likely to click on the ads to earn you revenue.

Other Tips

No matter which of the viral marketing idea you use above to make money with AdSense, be sure to test it carefully first to make sure it will work as you desire.

About the Author

You can start using viral marketing to Make Money With Adsense today by visiting this website at to learn more.

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There’s been a shift in consumer buying patterns over the last several months when it comes to internet shopping. Several e-retailers are beginning to see people shopping online for more “everyday” items – this as opposed to the standard Web fare of music downloads, specialty items, auction items, gifts, etc.

The logical extension of this shift is that the amount of goods and services purchased via the internet is going to grow. In the last two months of /2007/ retail spending online using a credit card – aided by the holiday shopping season — topped the $25 billion mark.

All of this points to the absolute necessity of anyone with a Web store offering its customers credit card services if they want to compete in the virtual marketplace in the months and years ahead.

The merchant services companies, who provide the avenue for e-retailers to accept credit card payments, have done their part by making the process more streamlined than ever. Most of the major companies now have a simple online application that Web merchants can fill out in the same amount of time it takes to secure a domain name. And some applicants can have their card processing services operative with 24 hours of acceptance.

And while consumers do have concerns about the security of online transactions, at the same time they have a growing discomfort when it comes to dealing with a Web-based retail entity that doesn’t not give them the option to pay buy credit card. Their typical reaction is that there must be something “wrong” with any e-store that doesn’t offer the option of charge cards, whether they plan to use their plastic or not.

Plus, many want the buyer-protection packages that come with a majority of credit card purchases. This takes the anxiety out of online shopping – that is, the unease they feel because they are paying for something they won’t actually have in hand until days after the purchase.

Another factor that should spur e-stores toward offering credit card services is the next generation of young adult professional consumers. Commonly referred to as Generation Y, most of these consumers are in college right now but are already facile with the use of shopping via the ‘net and using a credit card.

The logical extension is that as they transition out of college and into the workforce – with the accompanying increase in their disposable income – they will continue to use the internet as a shopping venue, only with increased buying power and a more comprehensive shopping list. This maturing of their buying habits and abilities will, as a group, continue to grow as they move up during their professional life spans. Not to mention the generations that will follow.

The cumulative conclusion is that the consumer use of credit cards to handle their online shopping is only going to increase, as will their desire to shop for more mainstream fare. As such, e-business owners that want to profitably ride this wave need to make sure their merchant services needs are taken care of today.

About the Author

Jim Osterman is a Web content developer with offers a host of credit card services for Web-based companies wanting to offer the convenience of merchant services.

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